
Michael O'Rourke is an artist, author, educator and Professor at Pratt Institute in New York City. His digitally generated artwork has been exhibited and screened around the world since 1983. Venues include the Kennedy Center for the Arts (Wash. D.C), the Musee d'Art Moderne (Paris), the Isetan Museum (Tokyo), Laumont Editions (NY, NY), the Hong Gah Museum (Taipei), Uma Gallery (NY, NY), and many others. His artwork has encompassed printmaking, murals, sculpture, drawing, and animation, and frequently combines digital and traditional techniques. His recent work includes digital prints, large-scale multimedia murals, and large-scale multimedia sculpture. The murals and sculpture combine static printed imagery and real-time interactive imagery

His early professional experience was at the world-famous NYIT Computer Graphics Lab in the 1980's, where he worked with many of the pioneers and inventors of computer imaging and animation. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, he did extensive work for the artist Frank Stella, producing sculptural models, graphics, and animation.  More recently he has served as a digital-imaging consultant to a number of artists, including Jenny Holzer.  He is the author of two books and numerous articles about digital art.

In addition to his teaching at Pratt Institute, his teaching experience includes teaching Kindergarten, teaching conversational French, and teaching English as a foreign language in Birkina-Faso, W. Africa.

He holds an M.F.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and an Ed.M. degree in Education from Harvard University.


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Self-portrait in GIF. 2010.
(Click here to turn on animation)